
- Rebecca Black (Just trust me on this one)

(thanks for the tip, @jackmjenkins)

Who Said North Means Up?

The Piper's Song

- Gypsy and the Cat

I've listened to this song way too much. Or not enough. One of the two.

Twitter vs Facebook

Twitter makes me like people I've never met and Facebook makes me hate people I know in real life.
Truthful imagery via @shaylamaddox


The Glasklart theme for the iPhone is really pretty. Figured out how to update the theme to include icons for apps the developer hasn't packaged yet, and replace some less than appealing ones with others.


- John Butler Trio (Bonnaroo 2010)

JBT puts on an awesome show. Check out and download concert sets for free (and legally!) on their artist page.


- The Delta Saints